Innovation Pédagogique et transition
Institut Mines-Telecom

Une initiative de l'Institut Mines-Télécom avec un réseau de partenaires

Pratiques pédagogiques pour améliorer l’attention des étudiants en cours

8 septembre 2016 par Béatrice Pradarelli, Gilles Jacovetti Veille 1254 visites 2 commentaires

Survey : Extrinsic Motivation of Students

Students always fall asleep or loose attention ! At least, this is the case in our lectures ;-)

For this reason, we use surprising means to motivate students being attentive and active during lecture, like throwing chocolate at them, say "this is important" or ... what else ? With this short questionnaire, we want to know what you do to keep student ’s concentration high ? Do you have cool/innovative/smart ideas ?

We are a team of lecturers from three universities with a strong interest in innovative, inspiring teaching methods. The results of this survey will be (hopefully) published and available to the public in 2017. If you provide an email address at the end of the survey, we will send the results to you.



YOUR BENEFIT : At the end of the questionnaire, you will find a list of all ideas that people already submitted.


Dead line : september 30th 2016


Thanks for your time and support !
Beatrice, Amani and Mark

Team :

Beatrice Pradarelli, Associate Professor in Engineering, University of Montpellier, beatrice.pradarelli[at]
Amani Magid, Research Librarian for the Sciences & Engineering, New York University, amani.magid[at]
Mark Cieliebak, Associate Professor in Computer Science, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, ciel[at]

Licence : CC by-sa

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